Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lunacy Music at the Spiral Dance

"God Was a Woman," a popular song from Lunacy's second album, Hand of Desire, will be sung at Reclaiming's Spiral Dance performance this Oct 29th, during a memorial for author Merlin Stone, who passed in Feb of this year.

For more information, check out:

Keith Ward, the amazing artist who designed the Lunacy CD, is working on Hand of Desire as we speak  as I type. There's still time to pre-order it and get free shipping. (See ordering information in the previous post below from March.)

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Time to Rejoice

On the evening of March 9th, 2011, Dave VanDerKamp, the wonderfully talented friend I've known since high school -- and the man who remastered both Lunacy recordings, imprinted the huge lyrics file onto the disc, manufactured the discs, and assembled each CD package -- handed me the first run of the honest-to-gods, finally, I-can-hardly-believe-it, totally completed Lunacy CDs.

So since then I've been sending out the pre-orders to folks to gave me some of their hard-earned money as long ago as the fall of 2007. (I'm wearing a bag over my head as I do so, out of sheer embarrassment. Who knew these things could take so long?)

I've heard a rumor that there are some folks out there who are itching to get their paws on a copy. If you're one of those people (but were smart enough not to give me money in advance), I want you to know that I'm planning to get a link to PayPal here on this site soon; but if you don't want to wait for that, here's how to order in the meantime:

Prices: $15.00 per CD, plus $3.00 shipping for the first CD, and $1.00 for each additional CD.

Please write out your order, and make a check for the full amount payable to "P. Soderberg." Be sure to include your mailing address (along with an e-address if you'd like to know when I send your order), and mail it all to:

 Sparky T. Rabbit
1224 - 37th St.
Rock Island, IL

For those who are daring, you can go ahead and pre-order the second album, Hand of Desire, which I'm hoping to have out by Midsummer 2011. My gift for your foolhardiness support in advance is free shipping, so you need only include $15.00 for each copy of the Hand of Desire CD you would like. (But if you're also purchasing the first album, don't forget the shipping charges for that part of your order.)

Happy Easter/Ostara/Evenday/Equinox to you all,
Sparky T.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Best Laid Plans...

Well, there were a few delays, unfortunately. But as of today, February 15th, 2011, the absolutely-final-no-really-honest-to-gods art files are at the printers!

In the next couple of days, I should have the last proof copies in my hot little paws, and once I've given those the once-over, it's PRINTIN' TIME!!!

Then assembling time, and then mailing time, and then... (drum roll, please!) then Lunacy music will be back out in the world once again.

I will be SO happy and relieved...

Happy Lupercalia!